Articles on: KDS - MyOrderBox

Expo KDS

So you want to be able to setup an Expo (dispatch) KDS to show me which item(s) I should start to assemble for dispatch.


Have at least one other MyOrderBox KDS setup and working

Back Office

Setup Expo KDS

Go to Setup > POS >  Kitchen >  + Add Kitchen Display > Enter Kitchen Display Name as Expo > Select Kitchen Printer Categories > Save
It must be named Expo for it work as an Expo screen
Only items in Kitchen Categories assigned to Expo screen will show.

Expo KDS


If Expo screen exists > Once each KDS has bumped their orders,  the order status still remains as `In Kitchen`* with KDS status Preparing and only becomes  Prepared when bumped on Expo screen.

If the orders are shown with the status Prepared then all orders with the same status will be shown, if any one items in the order has been Prepared

You are only able to Bump the orders when all items have been prepared. You are able to disable Bump until then.

Expo Settings

Setting > Shows orders with status To Prepare / Preparing / Prepared. - Default Prepared

MyOrderBox POS

When you Bump on the Expo screen, the Track Screen will update order status to Ready to Collect / Ready to Dispatch for that order

Updated on: 06/12/2024

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