Get started with MyFoodFast KDS
What's new
This KDS simply fetches all orders for a particular store, therefore requires an internet connection at all times.
Can be run alongside MyOrderBox POS and KDS, but for best experience use MyFoodFast POS

Platforms supported
Web - Chrome browser
Android Tablet
[Android KDS] - Coming soon
KDS Setup
Setup > POS > Kitchen : Kitchen Displays > Click the arrows to get a new 6 digit PIN for the KDS
Web - Open Chrome browser and type in
Enter this PIN to register that KDS terminal

Receiving orders in the Kitchen
All orders sent to the Kitchen from the POS will automatically appear on the KDS, sorted by their due time and grouped by delivery group, and a beep sound will be heard. Every order tab will be grouped by Category for ease of assembly.
Bump a single item on an order
Simply touch an item to change status to Preparing, and then again to change to Prepared, once the item is ready.
Or you can long hold, for 2 seconds or more to go to Prepared straight away.
Bump the whole order at once
Simply touch the top of the order tab to change status of all the items to Preparing, and then again to change to Prepared, once all the items are ready.
Or you can long hold, for 2 seconds or more to go to Prepared straight away.
The order will disappear from the KDS after 3 seconds.
Recall orders
Undo will list all orders that have been bumped already and selecting the arrow icon on the order will change the status of the order back to To Prepare
Status updates
Once the order is Prepared, the order on the POS will be updated to show the next status.
On MyOrderBox POS only delivery orders will be updated automatically, on MyFoodFast POS all orders will be.
Updated on: 30/01/2025
Thank you!