Add offers restricted by vouchers or coupons
Before you setup the coupons you must decide:
Which Promotion(s) you want to apply this coupon to?
Note the Coupon functionality is not currently supported on the POS.
Before you can apply any coupon code you must ensure the Promo has been fully setup.
Once you done this proceed with the steps below:
Back Office:
Go to Management > Menu > Promos and Deals > Promo Type > Edit the Promo > Advanced Setting
Choose from the settings below:
For Customer
Any - Any customer, both new and returning
New Only - only customers who have never placed an order before.
Returning Only - only customers who have previously placed an order before, recognised by their email address,
Once per Customer - Yes >
The customer, recognised by their email address, will only be able to use the deal/coupon once, after which time it will expire for this customer.
The coupon still may be used by another customer.
The deal is not shown until a customer logs in as it has to be verified against the customer.
Coupon only - Yes > the Promo can only be redeemed by entering the coupon code.
To generate Coupon code > Save Deal > return to Deal listing and on the relevant Deal select > Coupon
Now you have three options, either:
Enter how many codes you would like to generate and press Generate
Generate > a single unique code
Enter your own unique alphanumeric code(s) here.
Tip - The system will generate unique alphanumeric code(s) in the format of 6 digits or letters e.g. BOGOF44. It's a good idea to use the same format.
You may now copy these codes into Excel and use them in any communication sent to your customers. e.g SMS or email.
Simply go to any other menu page from here.
Example - Add a £1 Pizza Deal valid only for Delivery with a coupon once only

Updated on: 15/11/2024
Thank you!