Articles on: POS MyOrderBox

End of day XZ read discrepancies

Back Office

Store: Reporting > Sales Reports > Operations Report > Select  Period > Update

Firstly check that the Gross Total matches the Payments Summary Total In, if the two figures match then there is no discrepancy. If there is a Short or Over discrepancy, go to:

Sales Reports > Daily Cash Variance Select  Period > Update

Select Shift Id (to investigate)

Examine the report for date selected under these areas. 




Ensure figures tally up.i,e The SUM of the tender breakdown + the adjustments EQUAL the Total Sales.

If there are any discrepancies further analysis is required.

Through a matter of elimination look at the elements in TENDER BREAKDOWN in order to locate possible cause for the discrepancy. 

Cash - Verify cash in till is equal to the actual Cash declared by the staff.

Card - Verify card payments total is equal to the total logged with with transaction provider.

Credit - Scrutinise credit payments to ensure that they were in fact made on credit ( Sales Reports > Credit Sales)

If Cash is over - It is possible that some orders were marked as Paid by Credit, but in fact were not and instead Cash payments were taken.

if you would like to drill down into the individual orders please check the order history.
Back office > Reporting > Sales ReportsOrder history

Updated on: 04/02/2025

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