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Setup MyOrderBox POS / KDS hardware?
Before you start Ensure that the network points are within a metre of where the Terminals and printers will go. Network router/switch being used must have empty ports for each device being added Thermal Printer rolls 80mm You must ensure that if you are using your own printers that they connect to Windows and successfully complete a test print. We are not responsible for this, and may charge for this If you have ordered the POS bundle i.e Terminal, Cash Drawer and PriFeaturedSetup guide: Zebra ZD230 Label printer
How to Install and Troubleshoot a Zebra ZD230 Label Printer on Windows Introduction This guide will walk you through the installation and troubleshooting of a Zebra ZD230 label printer on a Windows operating system. Step 1: Unbox and Set Up the Printer Unbox the Printer: Remove the printer and all accessories from the box. Ensure you have the power cord, USB cable, and any other necessary components. Connect Power and Turn On the Printer: Connect the poPopularSetup AnyDesk on POS / KDS Terminal
In order to provide support remotely we must have access to the POS Terminal. Installing this software should only take a minute. If using your own hardware Download the installer (anydesk.exe) here: AnyDesk MyOrderBoxPopularSetup Oxhoo TP85 Printer
Step-by-Step Guide to Download and Install Drivers for Oxhoo TP85 Printer Browser Step 1: Visit the Downloads Page Open your browser and go to Oxhoo Support Downloads Page. In the search bar, type "TP85" and click Filter to list all relevant downloads for the TP85 model. From the list, you need to download the following files: TP85/90 - Driver: Description: Windows driver. Click "Download" next to this item to gePopularSetup Crucible Caller ID
Before you start Supported unit: Crucible CTI Comet USB CallerId Standard phone line socket connection. For VoIP adapter is required. 2-way splitter adapter phone caller ID Caller ID needs to be activated by your phone provider for it to work. CometUSB Manual : Click "Comet USB Manual" Updated Windows CallerID unit connected to the phone socket anPopularSetup Printers on POS
Before you start If you are using your own printers and an MyOrderBox supplied terminal, then please ensure that your printers are installed on Windows and successfully complete a test print. POS Terminal The printer(s) can be installed via the Control Panel in Windows; the same way you would install a normal printer. For instructions on how to install the printer you have - refer to the manufacturers instructions.Some readersMultiple terminals? POS / KDS software setup
If your hardware equipment has been purchased from MyOrderBox, follow link to set up How do I setup MyOrderBox hardware? Before you setup the terminals you must decide: How many you will need? Which ones will be used for the POS? If using more than 1 POS and KDS - Which one will be the ServFew readersSet up PaymentSense Dojo POS integration
Before you start you will need: An email from PaymentSense or Dojo providing your the keys to setup the POS integration Host URL API Key Terminal ID (TID) Merchant ID (MID) Back Office Setup POS Payments Payment Sense : Enable Host URL Username API Key Key Update ( readers
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Reset an AnyDesk ID
If there is a cloned AnyDesk ID, you will need to reset it so a new ID can be generated. Ensure Anydesk is completely closed: Right click on the Task Bar Task Manager All AnyDesk programs End task In Windows Search box type %programdata%AnyDesk Then delete the file service.conf Restart the Terminal so Windows restarts and open AnyDesk The ID should change now Share a picture of the new ID with Support.PopularThe printer has stopped printing?
In order to troubleshoot any printer problems follow the steps below: Windows Windows 10 search box type Printers & Scanners Click the printer you have a problem with and select Open Print queue Printer Cancel all documents Manage Print a test page If it prints successfully CusPopularError: ‘Access Blocked - Terminal is not valid’
This may happen because of one of the following reasons: A. Monthly Payment has NOT been made: Solution: Refer to the following article - B. Multiple Installations: *Multiple Installations - happens when someone attempts to install a new terminal on a new machineSome readersReceiving 'Order not in POS' emails
Email notifications are sent by MyOrderBox when a web order is created but not accepted by the POS to: The Admin and Manager users of the Store The customer who placed the order Requirements You have enabled Online Ordering in the Back Office You have enabled Online Terminal in POS > Terminals. If not select Edit Primary - Yes Process The Server sends Push Notifications to the POS for every new web order. If a web order is not confirmed by the POS, theSome readersPOS not starting
This relates to the case when POS application was installed and running on this terminal before and now after clicking the icon the POS is not starting No error visible The POS application may not appear to be starting because there are multiple instances already running. Open Task Manager by CTRL + SHIFT + ESC or type 'task manager' into search Click on the Processes tab and look for 'MyOrderBox'. Close all instances of MyOrderBox by selecting them one by oneFew readersI can't remember my Windows Admin password
In order to be able to make windows related changes to the terminal the Windows admin password will be required. If the password has been forgotten then the terminal will need to be re-imaged (Windows will need to be reset with the MyOrderBox image on it). What do I need to do? Raise a ticket with support and request a USB image indicating admin password has been forgotten. Follow payment instructions on the ticket. A fee of £50 for the USB image including post & packFew readersPOS does not start after first time installation
Prerequisites POS application was installed BUT has never run on this terminal before Reset Installation (If the POS application is running please close it) Type '%LOCALAPPDATA%MyOrderBox' into the Windows Search bar Enter Will open the MyOrderBox folder in File Explorer i.e AppDataLocalMyOrderBox Select and delete 2 files in this folder 1.Few readersWhy is the receipt not showing items but the prices only for a web order?
The reason this is happening is due to the menu on the POS not being in sync. POS -Advanced Settings > Sync NowFew readersPOS application not opening
POS application is not opening. After clicking on MOB shortcut the application may show the loading screen but does not load the login screen even after a minute of waiting. Solution for Support staff only Search Task Manager to see if MOB is visible there. If multiple instances exist follow this. Check logs Error - if entry relating to counters tFew readersEnd of day XZ read discrepancies
Back Office Store: Reporting Sales Reports Operations Report Select Period Update Sales Reports Daily Cash Variance Select Period Update Select Shift Id (to investigate) Examine the report for date selected under these areas. SALES ADJUSTMENTS TENDERFew readersWhy does the cash drawer not open?
Prerequisites Ensure the Cash Drawer is connected to your Printer Check that the cable of the Cash Drawer is connected directly to the printer. If using Epson TM20II, see image below Ensure 'Kick Cash drawer’ is selected to YES in POS Settings. This will enable it. ( readersI can't see my pending orders on the Trackscreen
Ensure the 'All' filter is pressed to view all orders on trackscreen.Few readersMy POS has become slow and I'm not using SqlServer
Prerequisites Latest version of MyOrderBox POS is running, It maybe that your local database has become quite full and this maybe causing the slowing down. What we would suggest is to reset your terminal, this will remove the local database and speed up the system. (You wouldn't lose any data as everything has already been saved in the back office). Before resetting, dont forget to note down your current POS advanced settings as you will need to enable these once you have reset the terFew readersMy Caller Id has stopped working
The CallerId unit is connected to MyOrderBox through the USB terminal. Things to check It maybe that there is an issue with the USB port. Please try the following one by one:- Restart your terminal Inspect the USB port where the CallerId is plugged into. Check that there is no debris inside (dust/food) Check the USB port internal connection isn't damaged. Try plugging it into another USB port.Few readersUnable to do Z read
Even though I have cleared all Pending Orders. The following notification still appears - Z Read cannot be done as: Pending orders found. This will due to there being pending orders that currently aren't seen on the trackscreen due to the filters incorrectly being set. Ensure when 'Pending' is selected, the 'All' filter is also enabled. You will now see the pending orders stopping the Z-Read from being completed. Clear the orders and proceed with the Z-Read. ( readersTerminal showing blue screen, won't start
Customer issue My Terminal is showing a blue screen saying: Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We'll restart for you: However, after that it appeared: Recovery Your PC couldn't start properly: This has happenedFew readersUnable to close shift - Pending orders
All orders have been completed and paid (no pending orders on track screen). I'm still getting this type of error message, Filters on Filters off ( readersMy second terminal can't connect to DBSERVER
Customer issue: My second terminal can't connect to 'DBSERVER', only with the IP of the main terminal. Solution: Ensure the main terminal is called 'DBSERVER'. If not, then you should access Windows and change the terminal name to 'DBSERVER'. Then restart the terminal. Ensure terminals are able to successfully ping one another. Note ipaddress of DBSERVER from cmd. (e.g Add the host IP to the windows - follow instructions for respective OS FOR WINDOWS 10 AND 8Few readers
How do I change the quantity of an order?
Select the item on the screen and use the up and down arrow to change the quantity.Some readersHow do I take a name for a take away customer without going into the 'New Customer' screen
Select the 'Settings' Icon at the top of MyOrderBox. Advanced settings Appearance 3. Switch Customer Name 'Yes'. Customer name prompt on take away orders is now enabled. When a take away order is now selected the user iFew readersHow do I manage order numbers
Back Office Setup POS Receipt Select desired 'First Order Number' to begin from and the increments per order 'Order Step' Update - to save changes. Sync terminals on POS. At the end of the day ensure all terminals have had Z reads.Few readersHow do I filter orders on track screen by order status
Prerequisites: One or more MyOrderBox POS running. User Story: I work in a busy store where we have multiple terminals and a dispatch terminal. I would like to be able to filter all orders that need to be assembled for delivery or collection. Orders can now be filtered on the track screen by order status. Image below shows various orders with different 'Statuses' ( readersHow do promos and deals work on the POS?
Back Office: Ensure you have created the deal in the Back Office by following this article. POS: The POS smartly selects the best promo depending on what is added to the cart at that specific time and day. We do not support creating buttons for promos/deals, as that is not in the customers best interest amongst other things. When the relevant products associated to a dealFew readersHandling notes
Notes appear at item and order level. POS Adding a note for an item Adding a note to an order ( readersAdd or delete users / drivers from the POS?
Before you start Before users are setup it is important to understand the different user types and what privileges they have. See User Roles on POS Back Office Store Management Staff List + New User > Add the relevant details and assign the relevant role like Clerk or Driver When adding drivers, if wanting to use the Driver app, add their email and set a password for them.Few readersWhat will I need prior to the installation of the POS System?
Internet connection - this needs to be running smoothly in order for the system to work efficiently. We support both printing standards, Star and Epson. Power points - the till/terminal and receipt printer will require a PowerPoint. In order to have a tidy cable run, the power socket should be within range. CAT5 cabling Accessories - paper rolls for receipt printers and credit card terminalsFew readersHow do the Online Orders come into the POS?
Notifications are sent by MyOrderBox when a web order is created Prerequisites You have enabled Online Ordering in the Back Office You have enabled Online Terminal in POS > Advanced Settings Terminal Online Terminal - YES Process The POS sends requests for new web orders every 10 seconds, if a web order is sent to MOB, it is directed to the POS. On receipt, the POS can either accept it automatically (recommended setup) or accept it when the popup for nFew readersHow do I make a change to an item if the quantity is more than one?
Select the item, reduce the quantity and add the item you would like to change as a separate one.Few readersHow do I enable courses?
Prerequisites Running latest version MOB POS Customer Story As a restaurant, I want to divide the courses such as starters, mains & desserts on the receipt, with a separate receipt to be also printed out in the kitchen. On the POS, go to Settings (Advanced Settings) Appearance Settings Enable Courses (Yes) You will now beFew readersHow do I use the 'Hold' button
New feature Users are now able to hold a desired menu section How does it work? When a user selects a menu with a sub menu the hold button will appear at the bottom of the screen. When the button is pressed a yellow border will appear to indicate it is active. Once active, the hold button will remember the menu sub section selected andFew readersHow do timed orders work & how can I create one?
Timed orders can be placed on the POS for delivery or collection (Go to step 3) and on Web (Step 1). Web order Upon receiving order POS - Will either automatically accept (If auto accept is enabled) or pressing the new order button will display the order on POS. Accept/Decline (Go to step 5a). ( readersHow to add multiple toppings?
Back Office Go to Management Menu Categories Options Select which option you'd like to enable the multiple option values feature. E.g See below Add or amend (edit) an existing option listing. E.g Pasta topping. Now enable Quantity popup. ( readersMy menu isn't updating after changes made in the back office
Simply sync the POS to retrieve the changes made from the back office POS Advanced Settings Sync NowFew readersUser Roles on POS
MyOrderBox POS has a number of user roles with varying access levels Admin - Full access Manager - Same as Admin however can not reset terminal Clerk - POS Usage - No access to XZread Can't access advanced settings Requires manager PIN for refund/Failing an order/Removing an item from order tab Can apply set discounts but not manuaFew readersHow to...Orders (16)
How do I change the type of order from delivery to collection or vice versa? Modified on 24 Jan 2023 (/support/solutions/articles/103000049209-how-do-i-change-the-type-of-order-from-delivery-to-collection-or-vice-versa-) How do I manage order numbers Modified on 24 Jan 2023 (/support/solutions/articles/103000049210-how-do-i-manage-order-numbers) How do I place a delivery order for later? Modified on 24 JaFew readersHow to switch Online POS Terminal
Prerequisites You have enabled Online Ordering in the Back Office and online orders are coming through fine. New Online POS Terminal (to be activated) Advanced Settings Terminal > Online Terminal - Yes Main Terminal - Yes Advanced Settings Apps Auto Accept Online Orders - Yes Quit > Restart POS application Current Online POS Terminal (to be disabled) Advanced SettingsFew readersSetup VoIP CallerID with Granstream Adapter
Before you Start : Internet connectivity VoIP adapter (Grandstream) Comet Caller ID adapter Primary SIP Server (example :, or IP address) SIP User ID (Provided by your VOIP company) RJ11 to BT telephone adapter Telephone splitter Please note : This does not work with BT Cloudphone. Does work with : Install COMET DRIVER FIRST Install the COMET drFew readersIf my terminal packs up; do I lose all sales?
No. Everything is stored in the cloud system. So nothing will be lost.Few readersHow do I refund an order on the POS?
Prerequisites Running MOB POS app with an order to refund On the POS terminal More at the bottom of the screen More popup will appear, refund Find the order that you wish to refund. To the right of the screen you will see a 'refund' button for the order, press it. Now you will see the Refund Order popup. Choose the items that you wish to refund or press 'Select All' if the entire order items should be refunded. Refund You will now see a pFew readersVoid and Fail orders
Before you start Ensure user roles setup. Void Clerks are not be able to Void or delete an order or items once it’s gone into the kitchen. The Manager would have to do this with their PIN. If the order has been sent to the Kitchen already, then it will print a Kitchen Receipt, if enabled, with VOIDED text watermarked across the receipt. Void or delete should only be available for staff for simple mistakes i.e before the order has been sent to the kitchen. Fail OrdeFew readersHow do I get an update to the POS or KDS app?
When the app is started, the software will check for an update automatically, as long as there is an internet connection, and offer you the chance to update the build. You may choose to Skip or Update. If however, the automatic update does not work, and you know there is a new build then simply open your internet browser and go to the respective link: POS - KDS - And select Install to download the new versionFew readersHow to ...Payments (4)
How to enable gift card payment on POS Modified on 24 Jan 2023 (/support/solutions/articles/103000049211-how-to-enable-gift-card-payment-on-pos) How can I make split payments Modified on 24 Jan 2023 (/support/solutions/articles/103000049212-how-can-i-make-split-payments) Setting up PaymentSense V3 Cloud integration Modified on 24 Jan 2023 (/support/solutions/articles/103000049297-setting-up-paymFew readersWill I be able to use a physical keyboard rather than the onscreen one?
Yes. This comes down to preference. However, be sure to enable/disable the virtual keyboard within the on-screen keyboard settings from POS. On the POS App -> Advance Settings -Peripheral -Keyboard toggle on/off (This will turn on/off the 'Use on-screen keyboard') OR You can also switch it off from windows settings : Select “Start” “Settings“. Choose “Ease of Access“. Select “Keyboard“. Set “On-Screen KeyboarFew readersHow to setup VOIP Caller ID
To start you will need: VOIP subscription VoIP Phone handset (Please check with LiteFox if supported) LiteFox You would first need to get in touch with LiteFox & ask them to be integrated with MyOrderBox. You are given a 14-day trial to test the caller ID out. Once you have subscribed to LiteFox, Please provide the following details to LiteFox to begin the onboard process: Name: Store Name (Example: Your Store name)Few readersHow do I know if the customer has paid for a delivery or collection order?
The price on the New Order Pop-up will be red if it is not paid and will be yellow if it is paid.Few readersSmart Kitchen Algo
User Story One of the biggest challenges you have when delivering is ensuring you deliver your food fresh and hot! No one likes a cold pizza right? With our Smart Kitchen Algo we ensure you only cook the food when there is a driver available to take it right away, as our Smart Kitchen Algo is continually monitoring your drivers and knows when to start cooking your orders and reduce your rack time down to seconds. Prerequisites Driver tracking App Interactive Delivery DashboaFew readersHow can I expand the touch screen keyboard
Just right-click on the top of the keyboard, select Size, then click and drag to expand the size.Few readersTax / VAT receipts
Should you wish not show the tax details on the receipts like the VAT amount or number follow this guide. Back Office Setup POS Receipts Show Tax Calculations Disabled Show VAT Number Disabled POS SyncFew readersEnsuring orders are received by POS outside store opening hours
In order to ensure orders are received Log into the POS after Z reads are made at the end of each day.Few readersHow do I know what changes have been made in this version?
Please see MyOrderBox POS updatesFew readersHow to (35)
How do I auto accept all new online orders? Modified on 24 Jan 2023 (/support/solutions/articles/103000049217-how-do-i-auto-accept-all-new-online-orders-) How do I take a name for a take away customer without going into the 'New Customer' screen Modified on 24 Jan 2023 (/support/solutions/articles/103000049218-how-do-i-take-a-name-for-a-take-away-customer-without-going-into-the-new-customer-screen) How do I amendFew readersSQL Server
MyOrderBox POS is built to run on any Windows device as a plug and play service, for a single terminal store. If however, you wish to use multiple POS terminals that are in sync at all times or our Kitchen Displays (KDS) then a SQL Server installation is required. Prerequisites An existing account with MyOrderBox Terminals bought directly from MyOrderBox come preconfigured with all that is required to run the POS /KDS including SQL server installation. They will just needFew readersHow do I add 3rd party orders to the POS?
We have made entering orders from 3rd parties as easy as possible. Although it may take 30 seconds to enter an order, doing this has many benefits, like managing the orders in the kitchen and delivering them exactly as you would your own orders. Also there is detailed reporting on them allowing you track how effective each order source is and what it costs you. Note you may automate this process by using our integration with Deliverect ( readersReset Anydesk password
Open Anydesk Click on the menu button Go to 'Settings' and select 'Security' Select 'Allow always' (Interactive Access) Select the check box, under Unattended Access to ‘Enable unattended access…’ (https://storFew readersUsing reprice on POS
POS Complete customer order and apply any automatic discounts for items ordered. Having an open food button Select 'Pay'. Select the discount icon Now select the Manual button Select 'Reprice' and enter the amountFew readersHow to uninstall Windows update
Case This was needed after the update on Windows from 03/21 when the receipts were being printed blank. Solution Firstly, • Press the Windows logo key + R then type gpedit.msc and click OK. • Go to "Computer Configuration" "Administrative Templates" "Windows Components" "Windows Update". • Double-click "Configure Automatic Updates". • Select "Disabled" in Configured Automatic Updates on the left, and click Apply and "OK"* *to disable the Windows automatic updFew readersI can't add customer details - Blocked grey screen
Prerequisites: POS and Back office setup ready to use User story: I want to add a customer to my database on the POS but get a blocked greyed out screen. What can I do? Back Office Order sources need to be enabled in order for customer records entry to be accessible. Setup POS Order sources Click 'Edit' for the desired order source to be useFew readersHow do I assign an order(s) to a driver?
POS Track Identify delivery order Assign Driver Select driver Assign Selected Driver Driver initials will be populated within 'Driver' column.Few readersWhat is the End of Day procedure?
Every Terminal must be closed off independently, at the end of day or shift, and note the transactions are allocated to each Terminal. Prerequisites: Manager PIN - as only Managers may close of a shift. Global X Read - If you have multiple terminals and just one cash drawer you may turn on Master Terminal function to get global totals for easier cashing up : Advanced settings Terminal Main Terminal Yes. This will activate an additional button on the XZ read screen:Few readersFuture Orders
Prerequisites User Story: I want to be able to take an order today for next week. How can I do this and what will happen as a consequence of this? Method A future order can be placed on the POS, Online Ordering site or Mobile Ordering Apps. This can be for either Collection or Delivery. POS Creating a customer order will display order tab with customer name and 'Delivery/Collection for ASAP' as default. E.g See below for Delivery order. (https://storage.crisFew readersHow do I change the price of items if they are different to what is displayed in the store?
Use the email address and password provided, to allow you to log into the Back Office. The price of items can be amended via the Back Office - readersWill I be able to use my existing POS hardware with MyOrderBox?
Your current equipment such as a receipt printer or cash drawer may be utilised if the specifications are compatible with our minimum system requirements.Few readersHow to...Menu (13)
How do I remove products from my menu? Modified on 24 Jan 2023 (/support/solutions/articles/103000049208-how-do-i-remove-products-from-my-menu-) How to make an Option Compulsory Modified on 24 Jan 2023 (/support/solutions/articles/103000049215-how-to-make-an-option-compulsory) Change the colours of the buttons on the POS Modified on 24 Jan 2023 (/support/solutions/articles/103000049216-change-thFew readersSetup Table Ordering
To get started Prepare a floor plan of areas that are to be used for table ordering. Back office Store: Setup POS Table Ordering Do you offer table service - Yes Table service charges-Enable (Yes) if you wish service charges to be applied. Type - Option of a fixed charge or a percentage of bill. Service charges fixed/percent - type in amount or percentage to apply Service charge tax -Few readersNotifications on POS
Once logged into POS app, at the bottom right of the screen a speech bubble will display all notifications to the users. The number in the bubble indicates how many notifications there are. Some of the notifications displayed are:- Connection Fault Payment Failed New build/Version availability Pressing on the speech bubble will bring up a popup displaying all notifications. ( readersHow do I take payments on the PDQ over the phone?
If you send a transaction to the terminal from the POS, it should display the amount and then request you to present the card. If at that point you press the MENU button it will allow you to enter the MOTO (Mail Order Telephone Order) function and enable you to process the payment while as a CNP (Customer Not Present).Few readersWhat are the minimum system requirements to run MyOrderBox POS?
The minimum system requirements are: CPU An Intel Processor that’s at least 1GHz RAM At least 2GB RAM to get started with our MyOrderBox POS software, but we strongly recommend a minimum 4GB RAM for optimal operation, and is required for the Server. Hard Disk The Hard Disk needs to have at least least 32GB free. Windows + CPU You’ll need to be running at least Windows 10 or 10 IoT (preferred)- 32 or 64 bit. Note that XP or POS Ready 7 and 9 are NFew readersSplit payments
POS Place order and select Pay Select the split payment icon Select whether bill is to be split evenly or enter a manual figure and choose the 1st payment type. For example cash, and click exact to display amount. Select *ConfirmFew readersHow do I group my delivery orders?
Prerequisites MyOrderBox with/without KDS with/without Driver tracking (Driver tracking app) User Story You get swamped with orders from multiple sources on a Friday / Saturday night, so if you can manage it then, the other times should be a breeze. To achieve this you may want to group delivery orders that are close together so a single driver can take them in one go while controlling how many orders are visible in the Kitchen at any one time. Settings POFew readersHow to place a customer phone order for Delivery or Collection on the POS
POS Existing Customer When a customer calls now Customer Order Ask the customer either, in order of priority, their: Phone number Enter phone number e.g. 07930 123 456 > Full Postcode Enter full postcode with a space e.g. N9 0HL > First or Last Name Enter either of these not both > Search customer recordsFew readersHow do I change the quantity of an item in an order
Prerequisites Items already added to cart POS In order to change the quantity of an item in the order Simply go to the order tab, touch the item you wish to change the quantity for: Increase (+) or decrease (-) quantity by clicking as required. The quantity will change accordingly, updating the total automatically.Few readersHow do I start a driver shift?
POS Track Driver Start Enter Driver Float Start Shift ( readersCan't setup Terminal after DB reset
Case After a database reset was done (MOB DB was deleted from SQL Management Tool), the POS can't be open. An error is showing (attached) and the following error appears in the logs: The error from the logs is 2021-02-23 10:14:24,777, ERROR, MyOrderBox.Core.Impl.Logger, System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException (0x80004005): Invalid column ID. number Troubleshooting steps taken The Terminal was deleted from the BO. The MOB folders on both POS and KDFew readersHow long before I can see the sales in the Back Office?
As long as the POS is connected to the internet, all Sales are in Real Time.Few readersHow do I reset my POS terminals?
Reset Terminal Automatically in POS: Go to Settings (Advanced Settings) Reset Device Reset this Device Reset this Device Now Manually Search %LOCALAPPDATA%MyOrderBox For V2 it's %LOCALAPPDATA%MyOrderBoxV2 Delete all Cache files and the Settings file Setup POS again. How to reset database: Make sure tFew readersStart of day MyOrderBox procedures
POS Enter PIN. Cash drawer will be opened. Check float amount in till. When prompted enter amount £.Few readersHow do I know if there is a new version?
Please see Notifications on POSFew readersHow to enable gift card payment on POS
POS Settings Advanced settings Payments Enable Gift card payments. Now when taking payments for an order Gift card will appear as an option.Few readersHow to...Day Procedures (7)
How do I add expenses? Modified on 24 Jan 2023 (/support/solutions/articles/103000049213-how-do-i-add-expenses-) Unable to close shift - Pending orders Modified on 24 Jan 2023 (/support/solutions/articles/103000049214-unable-to-close-shift-pending-orders) What is the End of Day procedure? Modified on 24 Jan 2023 (/support/solutions/articles/103000049258-what-is-the-end-of-day-procedure-)Few readersHow do I set a Delivery Service Charge?
Setup Online Ordering Home Delivery Delivery Service Charges Yes Update All Remember to sync on the POS!Few readers