Setup VoIP CallerID with Granstream Adapter
Before you Start :
Internet connectivity
VoIP adapter (Grandstream)
Comet Caller ID adapter
Primary SIP Server (example :, or IP address)
SIP User ID (Provided by your VOIP company)
RJ11 to BT telephone adapter
Telephone splitter
Please note : This does not work with BT Cloudphone.
Does work with :
Install the COMET driver to your terminal :
Click here to download
(!) And then follow this video instruction on your terminal running Windows 10: (Would require a keyboard connected)
And then follow this video installation of COMET drivers :
Hardware Setup
Connect the Power adapter from the Grandstream into the power socket & the Ethernet cable from the router into the Grandstream VOIP Adapter (As seen as the Grey cable)

Secondly, connect the RJ11 to BT Telephone adapter (white) to either PORT 1 or 2.

Connect the black telephone line cable which was sent by COMET from the adapter and into the COMET adapter as seen on point 4.

The other side of the black telephone cable line is connected to the COMET adapter.

The grey USB cable is then connected from the COMET into the TERMINAL USB PORT.
Configuration Setup
Once the Hardware is set up, go into your ROUTERS IP ADDRESS from the web browser and log in to see any wired Ethernet IP address connected, an IP address will belong to the GRANDSTREAM adapter which was connected at the beginning of the hardware setup.
Place that IP address into the URL and it will take you to the Grandstream configuration page.
Please then follow this video step by step starting from 00:44 seconds:
**- Make sure you have your SIP Phone number, authentication ID and password** available to be connected.
Once complete, go to POS > Advanced Settings > Apps >Switch ON CallerID > Select Crucible CallerId from drop-down > CallerID pop-up YES
Using the telephone splitter, you can connect your phone line to be connected as well.
Recommended VoIP adapter: (Grandstream HT801/802)
Rj11 cable:
Telephone splitter :
Internet connectivity
VoIP adapter (Grandstream)
Comet Caller ID adapter
Primary SIP Server (example :, or IP address)
SIP User ID (Provided by your VOIP company)
RJ11 to BT telephone adapter
Telephone splitter
Please note : This does not work with BT Cloudphone.
Does work with :
Install the COMET driver to your terminal :
Click here to download
(!) And then follow this video instruction on your terminal running Windows 10: (Would require a keyboard connected)
And then follow this video installation of COMET drivers :
Hardware Setup
Connect the Power adapter from the Grandstream into the power socket & the Ethernet cable from the router into the Grandstream VOIP Adapter (As seen as the Grey cable)

Secondly, connect the RJ11 to BT Telephone adapter (white) to either PORT 1 or 2.

Connect the black telephone line cable which was sent by COMET from the adapter and into the COMET adapter as seen on point 4.

The other side of the black telephone cable line is connected to the COMET adapter.

The grey USB cable is then connected from the COMET into the TERMINAL USB PORT.
Configuration Setup
Once the Hardware is set up, go into your ROUTERS IP ADDRESS from the web browser and log in to see any wired Ethernet IP address connected, an IP address will belong to the GRANDSTREAM adapter which was connected at the beginning of the hardware setup.
Place that IP address into the URL and it will take you to the Grandstream configuration page.
Please then follow this video step by step starting from 00:44 seconds:
**- Make sure you have your SIP Phone number, authentication ID and password** available to be connected.
Once complete, go to POS > Advanced Settings > Apps >Switch ON CallerID > Select Crucible CallerId from drop-down > CallerID pop-up YES
Using the telephone splitter, you can connect your phone line to be connected as well.
Recommended VoIP adapter: (Grandstream HT801/802)
Rj11 cable:
Telephone splitter :
Updated on: 05/06/2023
Thank you!