How can I communicate my app to new and existing customers via sms?
Ensure Texting / SMS has been enabled
Now on Setup > Add Ons > SMS > locate 'Send Messages on'
Sending an sms to the customer once they have an order delivered, reminding them to download the mobile app and incentivising it will help encourage this. It maybe that you wish to add a special coupon code promo for 1st time orders or it might be that you want to remind customers that they can track their order in real time!
For Creating Phone - Collection / Delivery Order, enable (YES), and select template. If no template has been created, create one clicking New SMS Template.
Below is an example template you may wish to use or customise as you wish.

Hello <customer_first_name> Order <order_id> status has been delivered. Enjoy your food and don't forget to download our app Apple: <apple_app_url> Android: <android_app_url> and get 10% off your first order (coupon code). Regards <store_name> <store_phone>
Now click Please select Template for Creating Phone - Collection / Delivery Order and choose the template you have just created.
Ensure Texting / SMS has been enabled
Now on Setup > Add Ons > SMS > locate 'Send Messages on'
Sending an sms to the customer once they have an order delivered, reminding them to download the mobile app and incentivising it will help encourage this. It maybe that you wish to add a special coupon code promo for 1st time orders or it might be that you want to remind customers that they can track their order in real time!
For Creating Phone - Collection / Delivery Order, enable (YES), and select template. If no template has been created, create one clicking New SMS Template.
Below is an example template you may wish to use or customise as you wish.

Hello <customer_first_name> Order <order_id> status has been delivered. Enjoy your food and don't forget to download our app Apple: <apple_app_url> Android: <android_app_url> and get 10% off your first order (coupon code). Regards <store_name> <store_phone>
Now click Please select Template for Creating Phone - Collection / Delivery Order and choose the template you have just created.
Updated on: 05/08/2024
Thank you!