How to set up Google Tag Manager for Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking
Google Tag Manager does not replace Google Analytics(GA).
Instead, it helps users to easily add Google Analytics tracking codes (tags) to your website, deploy GA event code snippets and define rules, when each tag must fire. Google Tag Manager is the middle-man of your digital analytics implementation on your website.
If you already have a Google Analytics account, please use its Tracking ID for Google Tag Manager.
Google Analytics account setup with its' Tracking ID entered in the Back Office
Back Office
Video 1 >


Choose .JASON file that we provided

Choose Existing Container
Default Workspace
Rename conflicting tags, triggers, and variables

Choose Variables

Choose Google Analytics Settings under User-Defined Variables

Under Tracking ID type Google Analytics Tracking ID and Save

Go to Google Analytics Account
Choose your account and Property
Go to Admin
Under Property, tab choose Tracking ID
Copy Tracking ID

Go to Admin

Under View, tab choose Ecommerce Settings

Enable E-commerce and Enhanced Ecommerce reporting
Add Checkout Steps (depends on the number of checkout steps that you are having in your checkout funnel, if there is only one add one)
Click the Preview tab in Google Tag Manager

Refresh your Website page
Open Google Analytics Realtime report > Events > Events last 30 min

Go through all steps of E-commerce on your website and make sure events are showing in Google Tag Manager Debug mode and Realtime report in Google Analytics
Make sure that e-commerce data are in Ecommerce report in Google Analytics (note that it can take up to 24h for data to appear

Once you did test and data is showing in Google Analytics PUBLISH Google Tag Manager Container

The following items are NOT supported in Tag Manager
Price for multiple quantities
Price including any Options added
Deals - just the items in the deals are added
Instead, it helps users to easily add Google Analytics tracking codes (tags) to your website, deploy GA event code snippets and define rules, when each tag must fire. Google Tag Manager is the middle-man of your digital analytics implementation on your website.
If you already have a Google Analytics account, please use its Tracking ID for Google Tag Manager.
Google Analytics account setup with its' Tracking ID entered in the Back Office
Back Office
Video 1 >


Choose .JASON file that we provided

Choose Existing Container
Default Workspace
Rename conflicting tags, triggers, and variables

Choose Variables

Choose Google Analytics Settings under User-Defined Variables

Under Tracking ID type Google Analytics Tracking ID and Save

Go to Google Analytics Account
Choose your account and Property
Go to Admin
Under Property, tab choose Tracking ID
Copy Tracking ID

Go to Admin

Under View, tab choose Ecommerce Settings

Enable E-commerce and Enhanced Ecommerce reporting
Add Checkout Steps (depends on the number of checkout steps that you are having in your checkout funnel, if there is only one add one)

Click the Preview tab in Google Tag Manager

Refresh your Website page
Open Google Analytics Realtime report > Events > Events last 30 min

Go through all steps of E-commerce on your website and make sure events are showing in Google Tag Manager Debug mode and Realtime report in Google Analytics
Make sure that e-commerce data are in Ecommerce report in Google Analytics (note that it can take up to 24h for data to appear

Once you did test and data is showing in Google Analytics PUBLISH Google Tag Manager Container

The following items are NOT supported in Tag Manager
Price for multiple quantities
Price including any Options added
Deals - just the items in the deals are added
Updated on: 05/06/2023
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