Articles on: Online Ordering

Migrating from another Online Ordering Provider


If you have been using MyOrderBox partnered up with a 3rd party Online Ordering Provider then your customer database with your customer's emails will be saved on our servers.

Will my customers be able to login without any issues?

Yes they will, however a couple of setup processes need to be completed. E.g If Facebook login was previously enabled then enabling Facebook Login on MyOrderBox will allow those customers to have a seamless experience. 

Please see '[How to enable Facebook Login]('

What if I don't have Facebook Login, what should I do?

MyOrderBox will have email addresses for your customer base. An email must be sent to them to alert them that they need to reset their password. This can be easily done using our MailChimp integration in the back office. An example email that you may wish to use is shown below

Dear <Customer name>,

We have recently upgraded our site to give you the best possible ordering experience. Therefore in order to have a seamless experience logging in we kindly request that you login via the Facebook login button. Otherwise simply clicking Login > 'Forgot password' link will allow you to reset your password.  

Looking forward to providing you an amazing experience,

Best wishes,


How can I alert my customers to this change on my site?

Messages to prompt users can be displayed on the Homepage and Cart

Company Back Office:

Setup > Company > Company Details

HomePage & Cart Message example: Check out our new site! Existing users reset your password or even better login with Facebook 


How can I now check that my customers aren't having issues logging in?

MyOrderBox has a powerful '[Online checkout report](' that lists all customers that accessed your site and display if they completed and placed an order, if not, providing detail as to any messages the customer encountered.

Updated on: 05/06/2023

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