Refund a Stripe payment
When querying any Stripe payment and looking for an order to refund follow these steps:
Reporting > Sales Reports > Order History : Period - Custom (select the From and To dates)
Look at the orders and find the transaction in question, by amount or customer name might be easiest.
Click the Order ID > Confirm the payment method was Stripe.
If required select Refund > follow instructions on screen

This will currently only process a full refund. For a part refund contact Support
Allow 5 days for the refund to process
Back Office
Reporting > Sales Reports > Order History : Period - Custom (select the From and To dates)
Look at the orders and find the transaction in question, by amount or customer name might be easiest.
Click the Order ID > Confirm the payment method was Stripe.
If required select Refund > follow instructions on screen

This will currently only process a full refund. For a part refund contact Support
Allow 5 days for the refund to process
Updated on: 26/06/2024
Thank you!