Articles on: POS MyOrderBox

Setup Printers on POS

Before you start

If you are using your own printers and an MyOrderBox supplied terminal, then please ensure that your printers are installed on Windows and successfully complete a test print.
Must have the Admin password for Windows for the Terminal

POS Terminal

The printer(s) can be installed via the Control Panel in Windows; the same way you would install a normal printer.
For instructions on how to install the printer you have - refer to the manufacturers instructions.
If terminal was supplied by MyOrderBox, the printer will come preinstalled with the drivers.
Ensure printers have been installed on Windows successfully by carrying out a test print to check.
Only once you get a successful test print should you proceed with the steps below

MyOrderBox POS App

Customer Printer

Supports all 80mm Thermal printers compatible with Windows

Ensure that the printer that will be used for Customer Receipts is selected as the Default printer in Windows
Each Terminal can only have one Customer Printer
The same Customer Printer can be shared with other Terminals
Cash Drawer, if used, MUST be physically connected to this printer only

Settings (Advanced Settings)** > Peripheral > Test Customer Printer

Kitchen Printers

Supports all 80mm Thermal and 76mm Dot Matrix printers compatible with Windows

Stores using multiple terminals must carry this setup on each one, remembering to name the printer exactly the same each time e.g KP1
A number of Kitchen Printers may be used if required.

Settings (Advanced Settings) > Peripheral > Kitchen Printer tab > Select printer > Test

On Online Terminal only

Dispatch Printer:

Supports all 80mm Thermal printers compatible with Windows

Must be used as a single receipt for the Kitchen and Driver (Dispatch Printer not supported to work along with Kitchen printer, if Kitchen printer is used - Customer printer should be set).
Has the format of the Customer Printer (i.e. include pricing) but behaves like a Kitchen Printer (i.e. the order comes in and goes to the kitchen at a certain time).
Setting applied on Online Terminal will apply on all terminals connected to Server

Settings (Advanced Settings) > Peripheral > Enable Dispatch Printer > YES > Select Printer > Test

Label Printer

Only supports the Zebra GK420D / ZD230d Label Printer using label size 102 x 51mm Direct Thermal with permanent adhesive 

Installation instructions here
Setting applied on Online Terminal will apply on all terminals connected to Server
| Stores using multiple terminals must carry this setup on each one, remembering to name the printer exactly the same each time.

Settings (Advanced Settings) > Peripheral > Enable Label  Printer > YES > Select Printer > Test

Updated on: 19/11/2024

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