Articles on: POS MyOrderBox

Setup Table Ordering

To get started

Prepare a floor plan of areas that are to be used for table ordering.

Back office

Store: Setup > POS > Table Ordering
Do you offer table service - Yes
Table service charges-> Enable (Yes) if you wish service charges to be applied.
Type - Option of a fixed charge or a percentage of bill.
Service charges fixed/percent - type in amount or percentage to apply
Service charge tax -
Enable service charges for deliveries - Here (link to add service charges for deliveries)


Held - Prompt in minutes after table is held, to remind waiter staff to take an order
Active - Prompt in minutes after table has made an order for staff to chase preparation
Paid - Prompt in minutes after table has made a payment for staff to clear the table

Manage Areas and Tables

Area name - Could be area name like Outside or name of a venue
Tables - Number of tables in the area
Tables will now appear to be named or numbered
Covers indicates number of seats on a table

Edit Table Layout > The tables can be moved to reflect your floorplan, by drag and drop.

When first setup the tables will appear on top of each other. Please space them out as required.



The plan is to add the features below in the future.

Seat Number Prompt
Course Prompt
Track Billing by Guests
Allow Table Reservations

Updated on: 03/10/2023

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