UrbanPiper Integration
Now you can fully integrate with the likes of Uber Eats, Deliveroo and Just Eat using our integration with Urban Piper.
This allows you to sync your products complete with images and prices, and in return receive all your orders directly within the POS automatically.
Sign up with UrbanPiper here:
Once you are setup with UrbanPiper they will provide you with your API key and configure your account to use with MyOrderBox. In case, they request the information below, you can share that with them.
These need to be setup for each store (location) by entering the ID as Virtual Brand ID_Store ID
So in the case that
Virtual brand ID: 16
Store ID: 114
UrbanPiper location ID: 16_114

So in the case of Wimbledon store it would be 22_286
These must be copied and pasted in UrbanPiper as follows:
Event type: Catalogue publish through API
Event type: Item Stock In/Out
Event type: Order placed
Event type: Order status update
UrbanPiper if fully managed at Company level only.
Company: Setup > Add Ons > UrbanPiper > Paste the API key you get >** Update Company** > It will now fetch your account from UrbanPiper.
You will now be able to select your Virtual Brand from the drop down - in the case where you have many brands setup with UrbanPiper.
Setup > Add Ons > Urban Piper > Enable** the location for each Brand
Setup > Add Ons > Urban Piper** > For each Store > Actions > Sync Menu
Only the standard Eat In price will be sent.
After a minute or so, once synced, you will see the result of the sync below from Urban Piper. In case of any error please contact Urban Piper directly.
You may now adjust the menu here before pushing it to the the aggregator in question.
This allows you to sync your products complete with images and prices, and in return receive all your orders directly within the POS automatically.
Sign up with UrbanPiper here:
Once you are setup with UrbanPiper they will provide you with your API key and configure your account to use with MyOrderBox. In case, they request the information below, you can share that with them.
Location IDs
These need to be setup for each store (location) by entering the ID as Virtual Brand ID_Store ID
So in the case that
Virtual brand ID: 16
Store ID: 114
UrbanPiper location ID: 16_114

So in the case of Wimbledon store it would be 22_286
These must be copied and pasted in UrbanPiper as follows:
Event type: Catalogue publish through API
Event type: Item Stock In/Out
Event type: Order placed
Event type: Order status update
Back office
UrbanPiper if fully managed at Company level only.
Company: Setup > Add Ons > UrbanPiper > Paste the API key you get >** Update Company** > It will now fetch your account from UrbanPiper.
You will now be able to select your Virtual Brand from the drop down - in the case where you have many brands setup with UrbanPiper.
Setup > Add Ons > Urban Piper > Enable** the location for each Brand
Setup > Add Ons > Urban Piper** > For each Store > Actions > Sync Menu
Only the standard Eat In price will be sent.
After a minute or so, once synced, you will see the result of the sync below from Urban Piper. In case of any error please contact Urban Piper directly.
Urban Piper
You may now adjust the menu here before pushing it to the the aggregator in question.
Updated on: 27/11/2024
Thank you!