Pay my monthly subscription?
This works best on a Desktop or Tablet...not a mobile
Log in using your 'Admin' credentials
Hover over 'Welcome (your name)* Admin' at the top RHS of the screen > My Account
Payment Methods > Enter card details > Update
If updating card details
Remove existing card
Enter new card details > Update***
If there is an outstanding invoice payment will be taken automatically within a minute or so
Go to Plan > Select Plan > Update
Once successfully updated, the relevant payment information will be presented.
Once a plan has been selected then the option of accessing the 'App store' to add additional terminals/functionality will appear on the back office menu listing
Go App Store > All

The App Store will now be displayed. Select the desired add ons and quantity if applicable and then click Save.

Remember to sync your POS terminal now to ensure it gets updated with the plan.
Back Office
Log in using your 'Admin' credentials
Hover over 'Welcome (your name)* Admin' at the top RHS of the screen > My Account
Payment Methods > Enter card details > Update
If updating card details
Remove existing card
Enter new card details > Update***
If there is an outstanding invoice payment will be taken automatically within a minute or so
Go to Plan > Select Plan > Update
Once successfully updated, the relevant payment information will be presented.
Once a plan has been selected then the option of accessing the 'App store' to add additional terminals/functionality will appear on the back office menu listing
Go App Store > All

The App Store will now be displayed. Select the desired add ons and quantity if applicable and then click Save.

Remember to sync your POS terminal now to ensure it gets updated with the plan.
Updated on: 19/11/2024
Thank you!