Deliverect integration
Now you can fully integrate with the likes of Uber Eats, Deliveroo and Just Eat using our integration with Deliverect.
This allows you to sync your products complete with images and prices, and in return receive all your orders directly within the POS automatically.
Sign up with Deliverect here:
Once you are setup with Deliverect they will provide you with your account # and configure your account to use with MyOrderBox.
Setup > Add Ons >Deliverect > Paste the Deliverect account # you get >check Enabled > Update > It will now fetch your account from Deliverect.
You will now be able to select your location from the drop down - in the case where you have multiple stores setup with Deliverect.
You now have the option to allow you send a choice of prices to Deliverect, including a "Delivery with Commission" price for the likes of Deliveroo and Uber Eats. This is highly recommended as you need to maintain your profit margins and not just increase revenue.
Company: Management > Menu > Menu Setup : Advanced Pricing Enable
This will allow you to set 4 prices in the system for every Product and Option Value.

Once prices are set as you like go to
Store: Setup > Add Ons > Deliverect > Select the price to send to Deliverect > Sync Menu
After a minute or so, once synced, you will see the result of the sync below from Deliverect. In case of any error please contact Deliverect directly.
You may now adjust the menu here before pushing it to the the aggregator in question.
This allows you to sync your products complete with images and prices, and in return receive all your orders directly within the POS automatically.
Sign up with Deliverect here:
Once you are setup with Deliverect they will provide you with your account # and configure your account to use with MyOrderBox.
Back office
Setup > Add Ons >Deliverect > Paste the Deliverect account # you get >check Enabled > Update > It will now fetch your account from Deliverect.
You will now be able to select your location from the drop down - in the case where you have multiple stores setup with Deliverect.
You now have the option to allow you send a choice of prices to Deliverect, including a "Delivery with Commission" price for the likes of Deliveroo and Uber Eats. This is highly recommended as you need to maintain your profit margins and not just increase revenue.
Company: Management > Menu > Menu Setup : Advanced Pricing Enable
This will allow you to set 4 prices in the system for every Product and Option Value.

Once prices are set as you like go to
Store: Setup > Add Ons > Deliverect > Select the price to send to Deliverect > Sync Menu
After a minute or so, once synced, you will see the result of the sync below from Deliverect. In case of any error please contact Deliverect directly.
You may now adjust the menu here before pushing it to the the aggregator in question.
Updated on: 27/11/2024
Thank you!