Articles on: Back Office

Schedule reports to be received automatically

Although, with MyOrderBox you can login to see any report whenever you like, there may be times when you would like particular reports to be emailed to someone every day or every week.

For now this is only available on the Operation Report, but we plan to add this function to all reports soon.

Back Office

Reporting > Sales > Operations
Apply any filters you require  > Update to bring up the report you want sent to you
Scheduler > You will now see the Edit Scheduler popup

You may Edit or Delete existing schedules

Schedule Report > To create a new report schedule

Enter one or more email addresses separated by comma

Select format either PDF or Excel (XLXS)

Select frequency either Daily or Weekly > select day and time in 24 hour format. The report will use this time as the end time of the daily / weekly period.

Create Scheduled Event > To save the report
Once saved the email addresses associated with that report schedule will be emailed the specified report automatically.

Updated on: 27/11/2024

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