Setup Promos and Deals
MyFoodFast allows various deal types to be created in the back office, than will be reflected on the POS and on the online ordering site instantly.
Make sure you have setup the menu, complete with every product that you want to create a deal with.
Go to Management > Menu > Promos and Deals > Promo Type
Deal with two items - If creating a deal with two items
Deal with three or more items - If creating a deal with 3 or more items
Discount on selected items - If creating a deal with one item
Discount on cart - Discount applied to entire order
There are three steps involved in creating a deal -
Set your name and description.
Deal Settings.
Advanced settings.
All steps need to be completed and saved in order for the deal to be activated.
Note (OO) - refers to Online Ordering and (POS) to the Point of Sale
All deals have similar settings so you can follow these settings regardless of which deal you are creating.
Can be used for deals such as BOGOF i.e. Buy 1 Get 1 Free
Populate the deal with
The deal name (deal name shown on online ordering site).
A description (optional) of the deal (displayed under the deal title on the online ordering site).
Category - (optional) what Category this deal is will be shown in
Add an image (optional) if applicable
Position - 99 is the default setting. This number determines the priority the deal is given over other identical deals and also in which priority it is displayed on online ordering platform. 1 being the 1st position and 99 being last. It's a good idea to use a stepping of 5 to allow you to add other deals in the future without amending the Position for all.
Note - (optional) Add a special note that will be printed on the customer/kitchen printer receipts. (i.e if the deal requires customer to show ID, the message can alert till staff to ask to validate it).

Now select Deal settings
Auto Apply - When auto apply is on, Discount is applied as soon as item is added to shopping cart and matches deals conditions, as is on the POS anyway. This means, on OO, that if you have identical deals with two or four items, the one with four items will never be applied as the two item deal will always apply first.
Auto Discount (OO/POS) - Here you can specify, if most expensive or cheapest item from group should be discounted.
If Auto Discount is disabled this will give the user the ability to decide the 'Pricing Type'

Pricing Type (OO/POS)
Unchanged (Product price remains the same as setup in the menu)
Fixed Price (A fixed price can be set)
Price off (A specific amount deducted from the menu price)
Percentage off (A specific percentage off the menu price)
When entering the Fixed Price, ensure the price set is at a proportional discount for each item, as the MyOrderBox POS always calculates the best discount available. For MyFoodFast apps, it will use the price as entered but will show a - Discount if the Deal is actually costing more.
Also do not leave any prices blank.
Discount options (OO/POS) - If Discount options set to No, product options e.g Toppings are excluded from deal discount rules.

Items included in the deal (as 1st item) are added as 'Products'. The ability to add or remove entire categories to the deal is possible (saving time on individually adding or removing them).
Simply select a Category or Attribute e.g. Large Pizzas and click Add.
If you were to add or remove a Product in a Category in > Menu Setup assigned to a Deal, it will not automatically add or remove that Product form this list. This MUST be done manually.
Items included in the deal (as 2nd item) are added as products.
Advanced setting
Choose from the settings below:
Available 24/7 (OO/POS) Yes - deal is activated with no time restrictions.
If set to No

Set the desired days and times it should be activated. (E.g lunch time deal, everyday)

Should the deal be active for

For Customer (OO)
Any - Any customer, both new and returning
New Only - only customers who have never placed an order before.
Returning Only - only customers who have previously placed an order before, recognised by their email address.
Once per Customer (OO) - Yes >
The customer, recognised by their email address, will only be able to use the deal/coupon once, after which time it will expire for this customer.
The coupon still may be used by another customer.
The deal is not shown until a customer logs in as it has to be verified against the customer.
Deal Overlapping applies to how the POS treats this Deal
Show on Menu (OO) - applies to online ordering site. Should the deal be displayed or just applied when the relevant products are applied.
View on online ordering site...

Option to apply deal through a Coupon (OO)

Available for: To restrict it to the POS or App only simply select it here.

Similar setup to Deal with two items, however 3 or more items added in step 3 above.
Similar setup to Deal with two items, however discounts on selected items only.
Similar setup as above, however discounts are applied on the cart itself at Checkout stage only.
Might be an idea to promote this using Cart message or even a Category image.
Priority is taken from Positions set, ignoring Deals with Coupon only setting.
Does not apply on MyOrderBox POS - Setup Manual Discounts for this.
Before you start
Make sure you have setup the menu, complete with every product that you want to create a deal with.
Back office
Go to Management > Menu > Promos and Deals > Promo Type
Deal with two items - If creating a deal with two items
Deal with three or more items - If creating a deal with 3 or more items
Discount on selected items - If creating a deal with one item
Discount on cart - Discount applied to entire order
There are three steps involved in creating a deal -
Set your name and description.
Deal Settings.
Advanced settings.
All steps need to be completed and saved in order for the deal to be activated.
Note (OO) - refers to Online Ordering and (POS) to the Point of Sale
All deals have similar settings so you can follow these settings regardless of which deal you are creating.
Deal with two items
Can be used for deals such as BOGOF i.e. Buy 1 Get 1 Free

Populate the deal with
The deal name (deal name shown on online ordering site).
A description (optional) of the deal (displayed under the deal title on the online ordering site).
Category - (optional) what Category this deal is will be shown in
Add an image (optional) if applicable
Position - 99 is the default setting. This number determines the priority the deal is given over other identical deals and also in which priority it is displayed on online ordering platform. 1 being the 1st position and 99 being last. It's a good idea to use a stepping of 5 to allow you to add other deals in the future without amending the Position for all.
Note - (optional) Add a special note that will be printed on the customer/kitchen printer receipts. (i.e if the deal requires customer to show ID, the message can alert till staff to ask to validate it).

Now select Deal settings
Auto Apply - When auto apply is on, Discount is applied as soon as item is added to shopping cart and matches deals conditions, as is on the POS anyway. This means, on OO, that if you have identical deals with two or four items, the one with four items will never be applied as the two item deal will always apply first.
Auto Discount (OO/POS) - Here you can specify, if most expensive or cheapest item from group should be discounted.
If Auto Discount is disabled this will give the user the ability to decide the 'Pricing Type'

Pricing Type (OO/POS)
Unchanged (Product price remains the same as setup in the menu)
Fixed Price (A fixed price can be set)
Price off (A specific amount deducted from the menu price)
Percentage off (A specific percentage off the menu price)
When entering the Fixed Price, ensure the price set is at a proportional discount for each item, as the MyOrderBox POS always calculates the best discount available. For MyFoodFast apps, it will use the price as entered but will show a - Discount if the Deal is actually costing more.
Also do not leave any prices blank.
Discount options (OO/POS) - If Discount options set to No, product options e.g Toppings are excluded from deal discount rules.

Items included in the deal (as 1st item) are added as 'Products'. The ability to add or remove entire categories to the deal is possible (saving time on individually adding or removing them).
Simply select a Category or Attribute e.g. Large Pizzas and click Add.
If you were to add or remove a Product in a Category in > Menu Setup assigned to a Deal, it will not automatically add or remove that Product form this list. This MUST be done manually.
Items included in the deal (as 2nd item) are added as products.
Advanced setting
Choose from the settings below:
Available 24/7 (OO/POS) Yes - deal is activated with no time restrictions.
If set to No

Set the desired days and times it should be activated. (E.g lunch time deal, everyday)

Should the deal be active for

For Customer (OO)
Any - Any customer, both new and returning
New Only - only customers who have never placed an order before.
Returning Only - only customers who have previously placed an order before, recognised by their email address.
Once per Customer (OO) - Yes >
The customer, recognised by their email address, will only be able to use the deal/coupon once, after which time it will expire for this customer.
The coupon still may be used by another customer.
The deal is not shown until a customer logs in as it has to be verified against the customer.
Deal Overlapping applies to how the POS treats this Deal
Show on Menu (OO) - applies to online ordering site. Should the deal be displayed or just applied when the relevant products are applied.
View on online ordering site...

Option to apply deal through a Coupon (OO)

Available for: To restrict it to the POS or App only simply select it here.

Deal with three or more items
Similar setup to Deal with two items, however 3 or more items added in step 3 above.
Discount on selected items
Similar setup to Deal with two items, however discounts on selected items only.
Discount on Cart
Similar setup as above, however discounts are applied on the cart itself at Checkout stage only.
Might be an idea to promote this using Cart message or even a Category image.
Priority is taken from Positions set, ignoring Deals with Coupon only setting.
Does not apply on MyOrderBox POS - Setup Manual Discounts for this.
Updated on: 16/12/2024
Thank you!